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Minimalism is a journey of finding one self

Iameccu's perspective:

Minimalism is a journey of finding one self

Written by Regina Virza

In the post-covid19, you can find discussions about minimalism nearly everywhere, especially since we spend more time indoors and absorb more of our time at home. Every little detail in our lives finally becomes connected.


We were forced to look back on the things that we owned, and how we have been living our lives, and since Covid-19 started, we constantly linked the viral virus to the environment surrounding us. We were kind of being reminded to make better, healthier, climate-conscious choices in our life, and minimalism becomes ever more important.





So what does it mean to be a minimalist? 


In a sense, it depends on our beliefs and how we approach minimalism itself. 


One might think that minimalism is sacrificing everything and owning nothing. While for others, minimalism solely depends on how we approach our needs without spending too much on unnecessary things. For instance, we could exterminate the things that we don’t find meaningful or things that don’t serve a purpose in our lives, or for short downsize.


But was it really that important to sell or discard our belongings just because we want to live “less”? What’s the gain from being a minimalist?


Finding meaning in minimalism


So we began to search for answers and discover what it is that we want, what we need, or what Marie Kondo always says “what truly brings us joy?”.


Here comes minimalism as a hero in these narratives.


“Minimalism simply allows you to make these decisions more consciously, more deliberately.” – The minimalist.


In iameccu’s perspective, minimalism is a journey of finding oneself. It’s a choice we make to create an easier, simpler, and happier life. If you want to spend less and sell everything you own that would be great! If you want to keep things that others don’t see as important, that would be okay too. Essentially minimalism gives you an easier perspective to approach your daily lives, it helps you get more organized and see your vision clearly without the distraction of others’ opinions or expectations. 


Minimalism provides an alternative for you and your fear of missing out on the fast-paced life that we go through. It serves as a wonderful gift of being grateful. To live in this very moment and accept the process.



Jay, Francine, The Joy of Less: A Minimalist Guide to Declutter, Organize, and Simplify
The minimalists, What is minimalism?, https://www.theminimalists.com/minimalism/


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